Thursday, February 17, 2011

Naming Best Practice in SharePoint

There are different Naming conventions in SharePoint. Avoid using space or Special characters like [! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + ? < > : ; ” ’ { } [ ] \ | / .]. When naming your Sites, Lists, Document Libraries, columns, views, files, folders, avoid these characters. Underscore [_] will be allowed if used in between two words but still not recommended and Underscore is to be avoided as the first character in the name, and multiple consecutive periods should be avoided. In columns and document library names, if you think it’s should be relevant or good looking then go for renaming the column or document library name afterwards, getting a nice looking name combined with a coder-friendly URL .
Good URL’s: NewPost.aspx NewPost.aspx? PostID=123&Command=Edit

Partially Good URL’s: New-Post.aspx? PostID=123&Command=Edit NewPost.aspx

Bad URL’s: 

1 comment:

  1. Ha, that’s actually a really good suggestion. Thanks so much for this!

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